1. 항공서비스 학위옵션(택1)
○ CSN 학사학위(Double Degree)
- 네바다주립대(CSN) 항공서비스 준학사학위와 경영학 학사학위를 함께 취득
- 4년제 학사학위 취득
○ CSN-UNLV 공동 학사학위(Double Degree)
- 네바다주립대(CSN) 항공서비스 준학사학위와 네바다주립대(UNLV) 경영학 학사학위를 함께 취득
- 4년제 학사학위 취득
2. 항공서비스 커리큘럼
구분 | 세부과목 | |
교양 및 전공기초 |
◎ Introduction to Hospitality Industry ◎ Introduction to Cabin Service ◎ Airport Operations ◎ Practical Aviation English I ◎ College Algebra ◎ Humanities ◎ Introduction to Art ◎ Introduction to Diversity ◎ Airline Flight Operation ◎ Crew Resource Management ◎ Hospitality Services Management ◎ Human Resources Management for Hospitality ◎ Industry Computer Applications for Hospitality ◎ Introduction to American Politics ◎ General Psychology ◎ Reasoning and Practical Thinking ◎ GE Electives |
전공 심화 Ⅰ |
◎ Aircraft Structure & System ◎ Cabin Announcement ◎ In-Flight Food & Beverage Service ◎ Practical Aviation English II ◎ Image Making I & II ◎ Service Role Play I & II ◎ Service Leadership ◎ Hospitality Capstone ◎ GE Electives |
전공 심화 Ⅱ |
◎ Interpersonal Communication ◎ Interview Practice ◎ Advanced Organizational Behavior ◎ Fundamentals of Business Writing ◎ International Management ◎ Case Study ◎ Hospitality Capstone ◎ GE Electives |
* 커리큘럼은 학교사정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
3. 호텔경영 학위옵션
○ CSN-UNLV 공동 학사학위(Double Degree)
- 네바다주립대(CSN) 호텔경영 준학사학위와 네바다주립대(UNLV) 호텔경영 학사학위를 함께 취득
- 4년재 학사학위 취득
4. 호텔경영 커리큘럼
학교 | 세부과목 | 학교 | 세부과목 |
◎ Mathematics ◎ English Composition ◎ Literature ◎ Analytical Reasoning ◎ Natural Science ◎ Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Science ◎ US and Nevada Constitutions ◎ Foundation of Hospitality ◎ Introduction to the Hospitality Customer Experience ◎ Hospitality Human Resource Management ◎ Facilitating the Hospitality Customer Experience ◎ Foundations of Hospitality Leadership ◎ Work Experience in Lodging Operations ◎ Hospitality Financial Accounting |
◎ Industry Computer Applications for ◎ Hospitality & Tourism ◎ Hospitality Externship ◎ Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry ◎ Franchising ◎ Hospitality Leadership, Management, & Ethics ◎ Ethics for the Hospitality Industry ◎ Working with Diversity ◎ Executive Speakers Series ◎ Special Topics in Hotel Administration ◎ Hotel Operations and Management ◎ Hospitality Law ◎ Employment Law in the Hospitality Industry ◎ Organizational Behavior Applied to the Service Industries ◎ Labor/Management Relations ◎ Hospitality Security and Risk Management ◎ Hospitality Revenue Management ◎ Strategic Management in Hospitality ◎ Employee Development ◎ Independent Study in Hotel Management ◎ Hospitality Academic and Personal Development ◎ Hospitality Career Development ◎ Hospitality Marketing |
학위 | 준학사 | 학위 | 학사 |
* 커리큘럼은 학교사정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.